Do You Have Dry Eyes?
Do your eyes often feel dry or irritated? Do certain activities, like reading or working on the computer, make your eyes feel scratchy? Do your eyes water excessively? Are you wearing your contact lenses less and less because they become uncomfortable?
If you answer “yes” to any of these questions, you may have dry eye syndrome. It’s a common problem, but you don’t have to live with it.

How To Get Comfortable
Depending on the severity of your dry eye, we can devise a plan of action. Here are some strategies that can help.
Give your eyes a rest. Take breaks while reading or working at a computer. Look away from the monitor or book to let your eyes focus on things that are far away and BLINK.
Environment. Fans or air conditioning vents can send a continuous air current across the surface of your eyes. Combine this with staring at a computer or TV, and it’s a problem.
Add water. If the air is dry at home or work, use a humidifier. Drink plenty of water, too, to hydrate from the inside.
Keep it clean. Steer clear of eye irritants, such a heavy pollution or smoke. That includes avoiding smoking (smokers are more likely to have dry eye) or being near people who smoke.
Give dryness the drop. Lubricant drops called artificial tears work like natural tears to hydrate and restore the health of the eye’s surface.
Contact lens wearers who have dry eyes may add these strategies to their plan of action:
Try contact lenses made specifically for dry-eye sufferers. Yes, certain lens materials are designed to help minimise the symptoms of dry eyes.
Use only the contact lens solution that has been recommended. You will have been advised which lens cleaning and disinfecting solutions are compatible with the type of lenses you are wearing. If you stray from the prescribed solution, your eyes may feel dry and uncomfortable.
Add moisture throughout the day. Rewetting drops can refresh your eyes throughout the day, even while you’re wearing your contact lenses.
Clean lenses properly. Follow eye care practitioner’s instructions to care for your lenses. If you need a refresher course, you can find directions on the solution bottle or package insert or better still ask your optical hygienist. Clean lenses are less likely to irritate your eyes.
Replace contact lenses on time. Frequent replacement soft lenses have been designed to be replaced at regular intervals. Wearing a contact lens for longer than the appropriate time can lead to dryness, discomfort and sometimes infection.
If you would like some advice on dry eye syndrome Caroline can make a dedicated dry eye assessment for you, and prescribe a regime of appropriate treatments, drops and strategies to help relieve your symptoms and improve tear flow.
What Is It and Who Gets It?
The term “dry eye” is self-explanatory - eyes that aren’t fresh, moist and comfortable. The problem affects many people, but postmenopausal women and people who wear contact lenses are particularly susceptible.
The condition is related to the quantity of your tears, which can be affected by numerous factors. Some possible causes include: diseases, such as acne rosacea, hormonal imbalance, eyelid abnormalities, medications, such as antihistamines, decongestants and birth control, and exposure to air pollution or other environmental factors.
Your eyes can become dry in centrally heated or air-conditioned rooms, from the blowers in your car, and on airplanes. Long stretches working at a computer can dry your eyes because you don’t blink as often as normal.
Telltale Signs
How can you tell if you have chronic dry eyes? Common signs and symptoms include:
Discomfort: Your eyes burn, sting, feel gritty or are sensitive to light.
Foreign body sensation: You feel as if you have something in your eye.
Redness: Bloodshot eyes always indicate a problem. Sometimes, it’s dry eye.
Fatigue: Your eyes seem to tire easily, especially when reading, watching television or using a computer.
Uncomfortable contact lenses: If you have mild to moderate dry eye, you may not know you have a problem until you try to wear your contact lenses, which can upset the delicate balance of tear production and distribution. People with dry eye sometimes stop wearing their lenses, but they may not need to, as relief is usually available.
These symptoms tend to be worse as the day goes on.
Is It Dry Eye, Or Something Else?
If you think you have dry eyes, discuss it at your eye examination and you will be asked specific questions about your health history and your environment.
If redness and irritation are accompanied by itching and watering, allergies may be to blame. We can help with this, too.